

I have never been a fan of New Year's resolutions. Maybe it's because of my personality- I tend to procrastinate things until I can do them "all at once". As my dear hubby will attest, I've never been good at breaking small tasks down into manageable goals without trying to complete them all in one fell swoop. In fact, I'm not really a big fan of New Year's in general. Throughout the course of my life the school year has inevitably taken prestige over the calendar year, leading me to get a lot more excited about September than January. Adding to that phenomena, my employer requires us to construct instructional/personal/ spiritual/ academic goals each August to drive our upcoming year; which tend to take the place of said resolutions.

That being said, I rather fancy the idea I've seen floating around our virtual world of choosing a word for the new year. In meditating over the goals I've laid out for this school year, I kept returning to the underlying theme of TRUTH- not the reference to accurateness or correctness, but the much older English meaning of "faithfulness, quality of being true". Tracing back to even older origins we find "having or characterized by good faith", with perhaps even older connotations of "steadfast as an oak".

If I have learned something in my journey into saving grace, it's the knowledge that nothing I attempt or resolve will result in completion. I indeed desire many new changes- more gracious words, less critical ones; more faith, less doubt; more success; less failure; more kindness; less impatience. But the end of the year will reflect little that I have truly done to become all that I would like to be.

So that's my word-


May the year 2012 find the Word of Truth implanting faith deep within my heart, may His grace draw me into closer fellowship, may He be found faithful when I am faithless, and may the light of His glory begin to reflect upon my prone-to-wander soul.