
Healthful Habit 19/52

I know, I missed {more than} a few weeks between the last Healthful Habit post and this current one. I'll go back and document all that's happened very soon. But I simply had to share our small change for this week.

Since beginning to properly prepare our grains, the question of pasta has been ever present on our minds. We could willingly give it up completely, were it not for spaghetti. Our journey to replace those noodles led us into the realm of rice pasta, a place we found we'd rather not venture. While the Ezekiel pasta does unfortunately contain sprouted organic soybeans, it's readily available at our local health food store. That makes it a decent option for when we get those spaghetti cravings. I'd still like to experiment with spaghetti squash and spelt pasta noodles... right after I get done catching up on those negligent posts.



There are lots of things I'm pondering. Plenty of topics I'd love to write about. But there's this thing called life, and it seems to be taking all the energy I've got right now. Here's a snapshot of what our's looks like as of late.

  • Baby girl is nine months old. Everyone tells you it goes by so fast, but I had no framework for understanding what that actually means. 
  • We have this wonderful goal of completing our backyard patio, but the patchy grass and dirt view outside the window continues undisturbed. JULIE did come add an interesting rainbow of colored lines and mini-flags a few weeks ago...
  • Baby girl is mobile, at least in the scooting-rapidly-around-on-my tummy sense. She also grabs the edge of every flat surface with a pursed lip expression as she attempts to chin-up her way to a standing position. This means I have even less time for anything else than I had before.
  • Work. A miraculous blessing for our family. A constant source of emotional struggles as I wrestle with being a work-from-home-(mostly) mama. The topic of many late night marital discussions. And the consumer of all moments of free time (and a lot of moments that are not free) between now and the end of the school year.
  • Summer is coming! I've never actually been a huge fan of the season, but all that is changing this year! Time to read. Time off. Time to garden. Time for leisurely evening strolls. Time. 
  • Blessings. One unexpected after another. Sometimes hidden in unlikely places. 


Healthful Habit 7/52

Healthful Habits is a way for our family to intentionally implement a more wholesome style of living one small step at a time. The process of executing these small changes over the course of a year enables them to become lifelong habits.

This is perhaps the most controversial of all the healthful habits we've attempted thus far. Modern nutrition experts have worked hard to convince us a low-fat diet full of polyunsaturated vegetable fats is the key to good cardiovascular health. Recent research and ancient traditional nutrition proves them wrong.


Healthful Habit 6/52

Healthful Habits is a way for our family to intentionally implement a more wholesome style of living one small step at a time. The process of executing these small changes over the course of a year enables them to become lifelong habits.

If at first you don't succeed... try, try again!


Healthful Habit 5/52

Healthful Habits is a way for our family to intentionally implement a more wholesome style of living one small step at a time. The process of executing these small changes over the course of a year enables them to become lifelong habits.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have to admit this healthful habit sorta "grosses me out". Not the making of the chicken stock, but the preparation of the raw-chicken-that-must-be-cooked-in-order-to-have-the-bones-to-make-the-stock. However, I am fully convinced of the wonderful properties this food item has to offer and so will endure the disgusting task* of raw chicken carcass preparation* *. Plus, pastured chicken makes for some really tasty burritos and chicken gumbo soup.